Friday, August 9, 2013


  The name of the generally thought to have invented the world's first computetr was Charles Babbage (often called the "father of the computer"). He designed an analytical Engine in 1834. This used toothed wheels to do calculations and punched cards for storing information. It was first ever machine to have input. Proccessing and ouput devices, and also the first machine which could carry out instructions, meaning that it could be programmed. However , his machine was impossible to build in those days, but Babbage's ideas and inventions later became what we now call computers.

  Throughout history, many people have helped us to develop computer and various inventions have helped ( for instance, transistores and microchips). Centuries ago, devices such as the abacus were invented to assit people to do calculations. These ideas were evolved and machines become more complex and clever untill computers. which started being produced during the 1950s.

  Computers at that time were large. cumbersome and much slower than modern version. Today , they are smaller, more powerful and cheaper than in the early Nowadays, you can buy a computer of the size of a wrist watch

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